5th SKY fast & fixed Forum
Fidelă valorilor bredent group, firma bredent medical Romania organizează a 5-a ediție a forumului specialiștilor în încărcarea imediată a implanturilor dentare. Într-un format complet nou, care permite întrebări și discuții directe cu speakerii, vă prezentăm cele mai noi idei și soluții exemplificate cu cazuri clinice, unele dintre ele monitorizate pe parcursul ultimilor 12 ani.
Adresat în egală măsură medicilor și tehnicienilor, forumul reprezintă chintesența actualității în încărcarea imediată.
Un eveniment bredent group powered by bredent medical Romania
Dentists and dental technicians are invited to attend the 5th SKY fast & fixed Forum will be held on in Iași, Romania on the 15th and 16th of November, 2019. True to the company’s motto of “Leading in immediate restorations powered by physiological prosthetics”, the forum will be all about immediate full-arch restorations and physiological prosthetics. Other focal issues include bone regeneration and the digital workflow, with the interaction of dentistry and dental technology at the center of attention.
Dentists and dental technicians are invited to attend the 5th SKY fast & fixed Forum will be held on in Iași, Romania on the 15th and 16th of November, 2019. True to the company’s motto of “Leading in immediate restorations powered by physiological prosthetics”, the forum will be all about immediate full-arch restorations and physiological prosthetics. Other focal issues include bone regeneration and the digital workflow, with the interaction of dentistry and dental technology at the center of attention.
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