3rd SKY fast & fixed Forum
A treia ediție a forumului de discuții “3rd SKY fast & fixed Forum | 1st bredent group days South-East Europe” se va desfășura în perioada 05 – 07 Noiembrie 2015, în București.
Având deja experiența edițiilor din 2011 și 2013 ne dorim ca la această ediție să vă oferim mai mult. Un eveniment cu participare internațională pentru a împărtăși abordările recente, ultimele noutăți și inovații ale bredent group adresate atât medicilor cu specializare în implantologie dentară cât și tehnicienilor dentari.
Atelierele de lucru și demonstrațiile LIVE vor completa noțiunile teoretice de pe parcursul dezbaterilor și vă vor convinge că împreună, ca și parteneri, putem demonstra că deviza din acest an : “Excelling in immediate restoration” este o realitate.
1st bredent group days South-East Europe 2015
The first bredent group days will be held in Bucharest, Romania from November 5 to 7, 2015. Three days, 11 workshops and 25 international lecturers. The focus will be on the subject of immediate restorations. In addition to an extensive program, the event includes the presentation of the latest clinical and scientific analyses around the market-leading SKY fast & fixed therapy.
„Leading in immediate restorations“ – this is the core message of bredent medical which will also be the most essential element during the bredent group days in Bucharest. It’s a fact – the company has gained a competitive edge in the field of immediate restorations in recent years. More than 22,000 patients have been successfully treated with the SKY fast & fixed therapy since 2007 – fixed teeth after just a single session in most cases. The basis of success of the concept: perfectly matched products and systems for implantology and prosthetics from a single company and, in addition to that, materials with physiological properties (BioHPP – a PEEK-based, ceramic-reinforced high-performance polymer) to enable temporary restorations featuring utmost load stability.
This event will be a milestone for bredent medical Romania SRL. The Romanian subsidiary of the bredent group will be organizing such a major congress for the first time. More than 300 participants from all over South East Europe are expected to attend the event. In addition to expert lectures, there will be workshops and step-by-step demonstrations. The objective is to provide dentists and dental technicians with the latest information and results in the field of immediate restorations and to impart a clear understanding of the SKY fast & fixed therapy. Moreover, this event will be a perfect platform to learn from specialists and to exchange knowledge with dental colleagues.
The bredent group days in Bucharest represent the beginning of a series of bredent group days, which will be organized and hosted by the individual subsidiaries in numerous additional countries.
The bredent group is an internationally operating, family-run company.
The bredent group develops perfectly matched individual products as well as system solutions, for example in the field of implant prosthetics, and therapeutic concepts “Made in Germany” and manufactures them to enable dentists and dental technicians to fabricate and receive high-quality, favorably-priced esthetic dental restorations which ensure periodontal hygiene.
It is the claim of the bredent group to be among the best. That is why the male and female employees are always willing to provide top-quality service for our customers and their patients with the necessary flexibility and openness.
Thanks to their competence and innovative capacity, the bredent group is a role model in the dental market.
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